While trying to write another script, I suddenly had a need for a password generating script for SQL Server. I previously wrote one in C#, but figured it might also be useful having a T-SQL version of it, so I set off to write one.
I ended up doing it as a stored procedure, which in the script below is added to the master-database. I will also create a CLR version some time very soon.
The script is nothing fancy, but it might show a few tricks to newcomers in T-SQL. Note it adds parameters with default values to the procedure, as well as an output parameter, it uses a very crude randomizer, and shows a SQL syntax that might look familiar to those who worked in a C-like language before, by using the += syntax.
Instead of using:
I could also have used:
It would have yielded the same result, but I have to admit that I do prefer the first syntax, because it looks cleaner, and it means less typing ;-)
Hope this helps someone. You might soon see it referenced again in another script I'm working on
I ended up doing it as a stored procedure, which in the script below is added to the master-database. I will also create a CLR version some time very soon.
The script is nothing fancy, but it might show a few tricks to newcomers in T-SQL. Note it adds parameters with default values to the procedure, as well as an output parameter, it uses a very crude randomizer, and shows a SQL syntax that might look familiar to those who worked in a C-like language before, by using the += syntax.
Instead of using:
IF @lowerCaseBit = 1 SET @workingSet += @lowerCaseChar;
I could also have used:
IF @lowerCaseBit = 1 SET @workingSet = @workingSet + @lowerCaseChar;
It would have yielded the same result, but I have to admit that I do prefer the first syntax, because it looks cleaner, and it means less typing ;-)
Hope this helps someone. You might soon see it referenced again in another script I'm working on

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGeneratePassword]
@passwordLength smallint = 8, @lowerCaseBit bit = 1, @upperCaseBit
bit = 1, @numberBit bit = 1, @specialBit bit = 1, @generatedPassword
varchar(128) OUTPUT
* Procedure to generate passwords
* Author: Peter Schmitz, SchmitzIT
* Date: 07-Jun-2011
* Version: 0.99
* Parameters:
* @passwordLength = The desired password length
* @lowercaseBit = Should the password include lowercase characters?
* @uppercaseBit = Should the password include uppercase characters?
* @numberBit = Should the password include numbers?
* @specialBit = Should the password include special characters?
* @generatedPassword = Output parameter containing the generated password
* Usage:
* DECLARE @password varchar(128)
* EXECUTE dbo.uspGeneratePassword 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, @password OUTPUT
-- Variables holding the characters to be used
DECLARE @lowerCaseChar char(26) = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
@numberChar char(10) = '01234567889',
As per BOL (see topic: strong passwords):
If used in an OLE DB or ODBC connection string, a login or password
must not contain the following characters: [] {}() , ; ?
These characters are used to either initialize a connection or
separate connection values.
@specialChar char(33) = '`~#$%^&-_=+\\|:\"<.>/?';
-- Placeholder for password. 128 is the maximum length allowed for passwords.
DECLARE @password varchar(128) = N'';
-- String together the characters to be used for generating the password.
-- It is set to be maximum 95 characters (26 + 26 + 10 + 33)
DECLARE @workingSet nvarchar(95) = N'';
IF @lowerCaseBit = 1 SET @workingSet += @lowerCaseChar;
IF @upperCaseBit = 1 SET @workingSet += @upperCaseChar;
IF @numberBit = 1 SET @workingSet += @numberChar;
IF @specialBit = 1 SET @workingSet += @specialChar;
-- Now that we have a set of characters, let's generate some random numbers.
DECLARE @i tinyint = 1;
WHILE @i <= @passwordLength
SET @password += SUBSTRING(@workingSet, CONVERT(int, 1 +
(LEN(@workingSet) * RAND())), 1)
SET @i += 1;
SET @generatedPassword = @password;